Circular Economy

Circular Economy


Our law firm assists clients in the circular economy sector as an innovative and rapidly evolving economic model aimed at achieving sustainable development. We provide legal services to businesses seeking to implement circular economy principles and strategies in their operations. We work with clients across a range of industries, including manufacturing, retail, construction, and food and beverage, among others.

We are engaged in finding solutions to avoid, prevent and minimise waste production, to support collective schemes acting in the circular economy sector and in facing the challenges of the waste regulations specificity with an open- minded approach, with a view to providing a contribution to the environment also in terms of efficient counselling.

Our team of lawyers is knowledgeable about the legal framework surrounding the circular economy, including regulations and policies at the local, national, and international levels.

We assist clients understanding the legal landscape and help them to develop and implement circular economy strategies that are compliant with all relevant regulations and laws.

Our aim is to help clients overcoming the red-tape work that the circular economy regulations and policies do at times imply, in terms of certifications, verification and compliance, and turn it into an opportunity for organizations to correctly communicate their values to their clients and stakeholders. This is why emlex’s assistance on circular economy issues requires the synergic work of the environmental law team with the commercial practices and intellectual property teams of the firm.

Our services include advising clients on circular economy business models, such as product-as-a-service, closed-loop supply chains, and waste-to-value approaches. We assist clients in identifying and addressing legal barriers to the adoption of circular economy practices, such as intellectual property protection, product liability, contract law and advertising law.

We also help clients to negotiate contracts and agreements with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders, ensuring that these agreements are aligned with circular economy principles and support the client’s sustainability goals.

Our law firm is committed to promoting the circular economy and supporting businesses in their efforts to achieve sustainable development. We believe that the circular economy offers significant opportunities for businesses to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve their environmental performance, while also contributing to a more sustainable future for all.

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